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Feb 27, 2023

This season is focused on the important topics of mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching.

And, it corresponds to a major milestone for me - - the publication of my third book, Mentor Coach Lead to Peak Professional Performance, AVAILABLE NOW through my publisher, the American College of Healthcare Executives, and...

Feb 20, 2023

This season is focused on the important topics of mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching.

And, it corresponds to a major milestone for me - - the publication of my third book, Mentor Coach Lead to Peak Professional Performance, AVAILABLE NOW through my publisher, the American College of Healthcare Executives, and...

Feb 7, 2023

Welcome to season eight of the Growth Edge leadership podcast! 

This season is focused on the important topics of mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching.

And, it corresponds to a major milestone for me - - the publication of my third book, AVAILABLE NOW through my publisher, the American College of Healthcare Executives,...

Feb 7, 2023

Welcome to season eight of the Growth Edge leadership podcast! 

This season is focused on the important topics of mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching.

And, it corresponds to a major milestone for me - - the publication of my third book, AVAILABLE NOW through my publisher, the American College of Healthcare Executives,...